This has been a great week. CHristmas was fun, and Things were yummy to eat. :P
-Not many appointments.
-got really cold suddenly
-snowed 2 days AFTER christmas!
-Goose was delicious! First time eating it!
-Got to skype to friends and family
-lots of chocolate was there to eat. :P
-It snowed where people said it was too warm to snow! Ha!
-We will now have more appointments since the holidays are over. ;)
I hope that you all had a very merry Christmas, and that you also have an amazing new year!
Halten Wunderbar Sein! (Keep being wonderful!)
-Sister Lahra Sherwood
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Hello Ya'all!
Things here have been pretty good. We have been keeping busy and have been Having fun whilst doing it. I am loveing it here. I think the blessing of this week was that we found an investigator that had stoped contacting us. Turns out he lost his phone and didn't know how to find us. I am so thankful for this. I hope that you all have a great christmas and a very happy New Year.
-Sister Sherwood
-Sister Sherwood
Monday, December 15, 2014
Hey Everyone! Here's the NEWS!
Hear ye! Hear ye! All who are interested in hearing me speak to them and want me to speak back, The Great Christmas Skype Event has been planned!
Where: 8118 Simpson Springs Rd. Eagle Mountain, Ut 84005 (My House)
When: December 25th, 2014
Time: 10:00 AM Mountain Standard Time. (Time in Utah)
Who should come: All who recieved this note, Other family members who want to come, and others who might want to come. :)
Please be as on time as possible since it will only be going till 11ish and I would love to hear from all of you. Please RSVP to my mom So that she can know how many people to expect. :)
This week has been good.
-We were sick saturday
- we had appointments fall out.
- We were able to help an olderly lady. :)
- Went Caroling. totally fun
- are going to lots of christmas markets!
We got to sing in the Young adult choir in sacrament meeting. Chistmas is so interesting here. the 4 sundays just before christmas is called 4 Advent sundays. You light one candle each week and do one thing to decorate. You put up the tree on the 24th, and the 24th is called Heiliga abend (holy night) Then they celebrate christmas on the 25th and 26th. Makes it hard to get places when the bahns basically shut down for those two days. :P Thats ok.
Sorry it's short. Need to look some videos up.
Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas!)
Sister Sherwood
Where: 8118 Simpson Springs Rd. Eagle Mountain, Ut 84005 (My House)
When: December 25th, 2014
Time: 10:00 AM Mountain Standard Time. (Time in Utah)
Who should come: All who recieved this note, Other family members who want to come, and others who might want to come. :)
Please be as on time as possible since it will only be going till 11ish and I would love to hear from all of you. Please RSVP to my mom So that she can know how many people to expect. :)
This week has been good.
-We were sick saturday
- we had appointments fall out.
- We were able to help an olderly lady. :)
- Went Caroling. totally fun
- are going to lots of christmas markets!
We got to sing in the Young adult choir in sacrament meeting. Chistmas is so interesting here. the 4 sundays just before christmas is called 4 Advent sundays. You light one candle each week and do one thing to decorate. You put up the tree on the 24th, and the 24th is called Heiliga abend (holy night) Then they celebrate christmas on the 25th and 26th. Makes it hard to get places when the bahns basically shut down for those two days. :P Thats ok.
Sorry it's short. Need to look some videos up.
Frohe Weihnachten! (Merry Christmas!)
Sister Sherwood
Lost........... and Found Transfer 4 Week 2
Hey Everyone. :)
So this week I had a very interesting, scary thing happen, well, It was actually today. We were heading to the church to email, and I was thinking about emailing and missed the stop we were supposed to get off on. I was really paniky at first, but I knew that I needed to get off the bahn. So I got off at the next stop, praying to know what to do. I felt like I needed to go back to the right stop and that things would be ok. So I waited for the other bahn and went back to the other stop, and went down to the u-bahn that we normaly take to the church. Sister Bates, wasn't there. At this point, I really started to freak out and worry. Here I was, in a city I didn't know, without a phone or a companion. Completely alone. I sked a couple people if I couple use there phone to call Sister Bates, since I had our number on a card, but no one would let me. I finally sat down and prayed that either someone would be nice enough to let me use their phone, or that sister bates would find me. Finally I look up and the Elders came down the stairs and I was never so happy in my life. I started crying and almost hugged them both. THey called sister bates and we were soon reunited. I know now sortof what other people feel like when they are as the scriptures say "trying to find truth, but know not where to find it." THey are probably not scared like I was, but they don't know where to turn. I now have a more urgentcy to contact everyone I can. I don't want to ever go through this again, but I am glad for the expirience that I had.
Machst gut! (Doing well!)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
So this week I had a very interesting, scary thing happen, well, It was actually today. We were heading to the church to email, and I was thinking about emailing and missed the stop we were supposed to get off on. I was really paniky at first, but I knew that I needed to get off the bahn. So I got off at the next stop, praying to know what to do. I felt like I needed to go back to the right stop and that things would be ok. So I waited for the other bahn and went back to the other stop, and went down to the u-bahn that we normaly take to the church. Sister Bates, wasn't there. At this point, I really started to freak out and worry. Here I was, in a city I didn't know, without a phone or a companion. Completely alone. I sked a couple people if I couple use there phone to call Sister Bates, since I had our number on a card, but no one would let me. I finally sat down and prayed that either someone would be nice enough to let me use their phone, or that sister bates would find me. Finally I look up and the Elders came down the stairs and I was never so happy in my life. I started crying and almost hugged them both. THey called sister bates and we were soon reunited. I know now sortof what other people feel like when they are as the scriptures say "trying to find truth, but know not where to find it." THey are probably not scared like I was, but they don't know where to turn. I now have a more urgentcy to contact everyone I can. I don't want to ever go through this again, but I am glad for the expirience that I had.
Machst gut! (Doing well!)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Week #1, Transfer #4, Comp #5, Area #3, Zone #3, State in Germany #3.
Hey Everyone!
I hope that you all are doing well and that everything is good.
As indicated by the title of this email, I am being transfered this Thursday to Essen Germany. It is in the Most northwestern part of the frankfurt mission, and will take about 8 hours to get there by train/bus. :P I will be working with a Sister (Can't remeber name.... :/) who was sister Brown's comp in the MTC whch is totally cool! Small world. :) I am super excited to go. I am excited to learn new things and to essen in Essen. ;) I am also really sad though. I love it here in Wiesbaden and I have only been here one transfer. I have grown really close with the Missionaries, and It feels like I am leaving family all over again. I know that things will be fine though, and I totally plan on hanging out with my mission hommies after the mission.
I got to go to the Temple today. It was a really bitter sweet Expirience. It was amazing, because it was A. The Temple, but also because we got to do names for a sister in the ward. It was a cool expirience. I got to do it for a Marie Francoise Banker. (She's French if you can't tell). It was sad though, because I don't know when I will be back to it for a long while. Essen is too far away for us to come back, so it might be several months, maybe the rest of my mission till I can go back. It was hard to leave. We will see what happens.
For now, it is sufficent to say that things are going well, I am all packed up already, I have like 4 tschüß books to finish, and one future wife book. :P I will be kept so busy that I won't be able to be too sad about leaving this area. :P
Oh! And a funny story to finish off this email.... The Elders had bought some chocolate for me since I was sad about being transfered. THey also gave me an ice cream bar. I ate like 3ish bites, and was like, "this tastes really funny". I then read the ingredients and it said that there was alcohol in it like 3 times! I Imidiately stopped eating it and called the elders like "DONT EAT ANY MORE OF THE ICE CREAM! IT HAS ALCOHOL IN IT!" THey were so suprised and I guess that they gave me the last bar. :P So ya its official, I have had a little bit of alcohol. :P I now have the mentality of look at ingredients before you eat. (It was the second time I accedentally ate something with alcohol in it. :P)
Anyways, Ein Schöne Woche für Alle, und Viel Glück mit alles dass passiert werden. :)
(A Beautiful week for all , and good luck with everything that happens to be.)
Viel Spaß,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
I hope that you all are doing well and that everything is good.
As indicated by the title of this email, I am being transfered this Thursday to Essen Germany. It is in the Most northwestern part of the frankfurt mission, and will take about 8 hours to get there by train/bus. :P I will be working with a Sister (Can't remeber name.... :/) who was sister Brown's comp in the MTC whch is totally cool! Small world. :) I am super excited to go. I am excited to learn new things and to essen in Essen. ;) I am also really sad though. I love it here in Wiesbaden and I have only been here one transfer. I have grown really close with the Missionaries, and It feels like I am leaving family all over again. I know that things will be fine though, and I totally plan on hanging out with my mission hommies after the mission.
I got to go to the Temple today. It was a really bitter sweet Expirience. It was amazing, because it was A. The Temple, but also because we got to do names for a sister in the ward. It was a cool expirience. I got to do it for a Marie Francoise Banker. (She's French if you can't tell). It was sad though, because I don't know when I will be back to it for a long while. Essen is too far away for us to come back, so it might be several months, maybe the rest of my mission till I can go back. It was hard to leave. We will see what happens.
For now, it is sufficent to say that things are going well, I am all packed up already, I have like 4 tschüß books to finish, and one future wife book. :P I will be kept so busy that I won't be able to be too sad about leaving this area. :P
Oh! And a funny story to finish off this email.... The Elders had bought some chocolate for me since I was sad about being transfered. THey also gave me an ice cream bar. I ate like 3ish bites, and was like, "this tastes really funny". I then read the ingredients and it said that there was alcohol in it like 3 times! I Imidiately stopped eating it and called the elders like "DONT EAT ANY MORE OF THE ICE CREAM! IT HAS ALCOHOL IN IT!" THey were so suprised and I guess that they gave me the last bar. :P So ya its official, I have had a little bit of alcohol. :P I now have the mentality of look at ingredients before you eat. (It was the second time I accedentally ate something with alcohol in it. :P)
Anyways, Ein Schöne Woche für Alle, und Viel Glück mit alles dass passiert werden. :)
(A Beautiful week for all , and good luck with everything that happens to be.)
Viel Spaß,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Transfer 3 OVER Danger day, this friday!
AH! I canT' believe that it's here again! I hope that I don't get transfered. :P THis past week has been pretty good. We've accomplished alot with some less actives and are planning on extending a baptism invite to a investigator. :) We are also hopeing to contact the 2 referals that we recieved last week. I am excited to go forward and bring the world light!
Viel Spass,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Viel Spass,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, November 17, 2014
Transfer 3..... going by fast!
Course that may or may not be because it's only a 5 week transfer instead of 6, but whatever. This week has been fun and awesome.
-Camera is almost dead....
-I totally feel like I am being transfered.... again, since I love the area here.
-Got a really bad cold.
-A charging cord is coming super soon!
-A Less active family is really nice and is making us terkish pizza, and we are going to help them back to churhc!
- My cold is somwhat better now then it was
- WE had an amazing zone Training this past week!
-We are going to (hopefully) have a baptisimal date set this week!
-I will most löikely not be transfered, since I just got here. :)
-Camera is almost dead....
-I totally feel like I am being transfered.... again, since I love the area here.
-Got a really bad cold.
-A charging cord is coming super soon!
-A Less active family is really nice and is making us terkish pizza, and we are going to help them back to churhc!
- My cold is somwhat better now then it was
- WE had an amazing zone Training this past week!
-We are going to (hopefully) have a baptisimal date set this week!
-I will most löikely not be transfered, since I just got here. :)
This week in 2 minutes!
(Editor's Note: This letter is from November 10, 2014)
THis week was amazing. We had awesome appointments with investigators and had annoying Elders prank us. Wasn't all that funny, but whatever. I still love working with them. We also had lots of eating appointments and are having lots of splits. :)
Viel Spass
Sister Lahra Sherwood
THis week was amazing. We had awesome appointments with investigators and had annoying Elders prank us. Wasn't all that funny, but whatever. I still love working with them. We also had lots of eating appointments and are having lots of splits. :)
Viel Spass
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Week 2 in Wiesbaden
(Editor's Note: This letter is from November 3, 2014)
So I only have like 3 minutes to write this unfortunately, but hello everyone.
-I am happy to be in Wiesbaden
-We have an investigator who isn't drinking coffee this next week!
-We are having a jam session for P-day
-I have tons of emails this week.
-still miss Mannheim, but that's natural
-not used to walking tons so I am out of shape
-p90x is intense! I need to take it slow till I get used to it again.
-I am not eating chocolate this week (it was the deal with the investigator).
Well I hope you are all well. I will hopefully have more time next week to write more.
Kein Stress, Kein Angst,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
So I only have like 3 minutes to write this unfortunately, but hello everyone.
-I am happy to be in Wiesbaden
-We have an investigator who isn't drinking coffee this next week!
-We are having a jam session for P-day
-I have tons of emails this week.
-still miss Mannheim, but that's natural
-not used to walking tons so I am out of shape
-p90x is intense! I need to take it slow till I get used to it again.
-I am not eating chocolate this week (it was the deal with the investigator).
Well I hope you are all well. I will hopefully have more time next week to write more.
Kein Stress, Kein Angst,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Transfer Week! AAHHH!
Hello everyone. :)
This week is a really rough week since I am being Transfered to Wiesbaden and have to say goodbye to a lot of people I love. I pray that all will go smooth.
- We found 2 new Investigators and 2 potentials.
- We have a super cute mini missionary from heidelberg this week
- I got hugged by two older Men in the ward Mannheim. Kinda awkward but cool, to know that they appreciated my service here.
- I have to say goodbye to mannheim and All the People.
- I'm going to be in a dritt and I am not sure how to feel
- My hair is red, so I need to redie it. :P
I hope all is well by everyone and that this week is awesome for you all.
Bis Nexte Woche, (Until next week)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
This week is a really rough week since I am being Transfered to Wiesbaden and have to say goodbye to a lot of people I love. I pray that all will go smooth.
- We found 2 new Investigators and 2 potentials.
- We have a super cute mini missionary from heidelberg this week
- I got hugged by two older Men in the ward Mannheim. Kinda awkward but cool, to know that they appreciated my service here.
- I have to say goodbye to mannheim and All the People.
- I'm going to be in a dritt and I am not sure how to feel
- My hair is red, so I need to redie it. :P
I hope all is well by everyone and that this week is awesome for you all.
Bis Nexte Woche, (Until next week)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, October 20, 2014
Transfer 2 Week 6 AAAAHHHHH!
(Editor's Note: This letter is actually from October 13, 2014. I forgot to post it last week.)
WHolly cow. one week left in transfer after this. I am so excited, but also sad since many people form the zone is either going home or probably being transfered at the end of this transfer.
-We missed an appointment becasuse we wrote the wrong date down
-the member who gave us that referal is mad at us
-geminde rat (ward council) was really sucky
-I got a promting to do something and it resulted us being with the elders all day..... :(
-A less active we are working with lost her job, car keys so she couldn't meet....
-Got a really cool blessing from the elders.
-Felt what the members say when we come into their home. Missionaries have a different spirit.
-Bore powerful testimony in german almost flawlessly. (thank you spirit)
-Got an appointment with a potential investigator who wants to learn english
-3 Families in the ward asked us for an appointment this week. So cool! Usually we have to ask them.
- Going shopping for winter things for p-day today
-Next week can't get any worse.... :P
I hope everyone's week went good, better then mine. I am eycited for this week.
Veil Spass,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
WHolly cow. one week left in transfer after this. I am so excited, but also sad since many people form the zone is either going home or probably being transfered at the end of this transfer.
-We missed an appointment becasuse we wrote the wrong date down
-the member who gave us that referal is mad at us
-geminde rat (ward council) was really sucky
-I got a promting to do something and it resulted us being with the elders all day..... :(
-A less active we are working with lost her job, car keys so she couldn't meet....
-Got a really cool blessing from the elders.
-Felt what the members say when we come into their home. Missionaries have a different spirit.
-Bore powerful testimony in german almost flawlessly. (thank you spirit)
-Got an appointment with a potential investigator who wants to learn english
-3 Families in the ward asked us for an appointment this week. So cool! Usually we have to ask them.
- Going shopping for winter things for p-day today
-Next week can't get any worse.... :P
I hope everyone's week went good, better then mine. I am eycited for this week.
Veil Spass,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Letters from September 29 and October 6
September 29, 2014
Hey everyone. THis is going to need to be super quick unfortunatly....
All is well so far. We have 2 new potential investigators which is
amazing! I am soooo excited. I am slowly working through my problems,
but am much happier.
I hope all is well with all you amazing people! Keep up the great work you do!
From Germany,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
October 6, 2014
Dear awesome People,
I think that it's really crazy that theres only 3 weeks left this
Transfer! I really hope that I can stay in Mannheim for a while
I wanted to do something Special this week and give y'all a
Invitation. I am starting to study chapter 6 in Preach my Gospel which
is about developing Christlike attributes. I felt promted to invite
everyone to study one of the traits and this month really strive to
develop that attribute. You can study using Preach my Gospel if you
have one, the scriptures, Conference talks, etc. I know that as we try
and develop these Qualities we will be blessed.
-Faith in Christ
-Charity and Love
In Preach my Gospel it states "Remember this, learning to be like
Jesus is a lifelong persuit. You follow Christ's example -Develop his
attributes- one Action and decision at a time." Don't get discouraged
when changes don't happen all at once. We couldn't learn if things
came easy to us. I am excited to hear about what you learn or how
things are better as you do this.
Ok back to the normal letter. :P
-Got our first referal from a member!
-That referal turned into a Investigator!!!!
-Got to watch 3 of the 6 sessions of conference and learned alot! Will
watch the remaining 3 during the media hour we have each week.
-the weather is normal finally. :P
-The weather is normal for october.... which means cold and rainy...
- Our other investigator will be in China for a month... We will
teach her when she gets back though.
I think that's it. I hope that this week goes well for you all and
that you are well.
Alles ist Möglich durch Jesus Christus, (Everything is possible through Jesus Christ)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
(Editor's Note: This section is part of her letter to me, but I wanted to share it.)
Conference was amazing. There were so many powerful talks. It went way too fast for me. I still Need to go watch the womens conference and the sunday afternoon still, and I really want to watch the priesthood session, because I heard from the elders that it was super super good. I learned alot and am excited to learn more.
They had the german Translation, spanish Translation, and the English. I am happy for that. I was afraid that if it was in german I would'nt learn too much. It was fine though. I think it was so cool that People spoke in their own language. I got a Little homesick knowing that you guys were watching the morning sessions both days at the same time I was. I am ok though. I was really greatfull for the Person who prayed for the missionarie's families specifically. I am so greatful for conference. I hope that waking up at 5:15 went ok... :P thats in an hourish right? :P that'll be 1 pm here. Oh! we were wondering... when does the time Change happen? and is it the same everywhere? Just courious. We would rather not wake up at 5:30 accidentally. :P
Well I love you very much. Send my love to everyone and give em all hugs!
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Hey everyone. THis is going to need to be super quick unfortunatly....
All is well so far. We have 2 new potential investigators which is
amazing! I am soooo excited. I am slowly working through my problems,
but am much happier.
I hope all is well with all you amazing people! Keep up the great work you do!
From Germany,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
October 6, 2014
Dear awesome People,
I think that it's really crazy that theres only 3 weeks left this
Transfer! I really hope that I can stay in Mannheim for a while
I wanted to do something Special this week and give y'all a
Invitation. I am starting to study chapter 6 in Preach my Gospel which
is about developing Christlike attributes. I felt promted to invite
everyone to study one of the traits and this month really strive to
develop that attribute. You can study using Preach my Gospel if you
have one, the scriptures, Conference talks, etc. I know that as we try
and develop these Qualities we will be blessed.
-Faith in Christ
-Charity and Love
In Preach my Gospel it states "Remember this, learning to be like
Jesus is a lifelong persuit. You follow Christ's example -Develop his
attributes- one Action and decision at a time." Don't get discouraged
when changes don't happen all at once. We couldn't learn if things
came easy to us. I am excited to hear about what you learn or how
things are better as you do this.
Ok back to the normal letter. :P
-Got our first referal from a member!
-That referal turned into a Investigator!!!!
-Got to watch 3 of the 6 sessions of conference and learned alot! Will
watch the remaining 3 during the media hour we have each week.
-the weather is normal finally. :P
-The weather is normal for october.... which means cold and rainy...
- Our other investigator will be in China for a month... We will
teach her when she gets back though.
I think that's it. I hope that this week goes well for you all and
that you are well.
Alles ist Möglich durch Jesus Christus, (Everything is possible through Jesus Christ)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
(Editor's Note: This section is part of her letter to me, but I wanted to share it.)
Conference was amazing. There were so many powerful talks. It went way too fast for me. I still Need to go watch the womens conference and the sunday afternoon still, and I really want to watch the priesthood session, because I heard from the elders that it was super super good. I learned alot and am excited to learn more.
They had the german Translation, spanish Translation, and the English. I am happy for that. I was afraid that if it was in german I would'nt learn too much. It was fine though. I think it was so cool that People spoke in their own language. I got a Little homesick knowing that you guys were watching the morning sessions both days at the same time I was. I am ok though. I was really greatfull for the Person who prayed for the missionarie's families specifically. I am so greatful for conference. I hope that waking up at 5:15 went ok... :P thats in an hourish right? :P that'll be 1 pm here. Oh! we were wondering... when does the time Change happen? and is it the same everywhere? Just courious. We would rather not wake up at 5:30 accidentally. :P
Well I love you very much. Send my love to everyone and give em all hugs!
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Viel Spass
Hey Everybody! What's up?
Life has been pretty good here on the other side of the world. The
weather is getting colder.... but that's ok.
- Getting along well with Sister Diethelm
- Had lots of fun making balloon animals at a Kinder Spectacular that
the City does and our stake had a booth. My fingers won't ever be the
same though. :P
- Found a potential investigator there!
- I made it through my first full week in charge in Mannheim
- Am a little depressed, but am trying to fight it. Working with
president which is good.
- Elder B had to go home because of back problems. (He's an Elder in
our District)
- Our numbers dropped to 0 since our teaching pool is non exsistant.
Am praying lots and we are trying new finding tecniques.
Things are crazy, but totally worth it. :) I pray for all of you and
Hope all is going well, wherever you are at this point.
Viel Spass, (Have Fun,)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Life has been pretty good here on the other side of the world. The
weather is getting colder.... but that's ok.
- Getting along well with Sister Diethelm
- Had lots of fun making balloon animals at a Kinder Spectacular that
the City does and our stake had a booth. My fingers won't ever be the
same though. :P
- Found a potential investigator there!
- I made it through my first full week in charge in Mannheim
- Am a little depressed, but am trying to fight it. Working with
president which is good.
- Elder B had to go home because of back problems. (He's an Elder in
our District)
- Our numbers dropped to 0 since our teaching pool is non exsistant.
Am praying lots and we are trying new finding tecniques.
Things are crazy, but totally worth it. :) I pray for all of you and
Hope all is going well, wherever you are at this point.
Viel Spass, (Have Fun,)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, September 15, 2014
Heiligen Kuh!
Heiligen Kuh! Time goes fast. I can't believe that it's already 2
months into my mission. I am freaking out a little, but I am super
excited for this transfer. I have a goal to speak only German this
transfer since I have the opertunity to serve with a Sister from
Switzerland. She is so super amazing. I am excited to work with her.
The Speyer sisters area has opened and we are all really happy about that.
I am also kinda happy that the weather is getting a little cooler. I'm
not excited for winter though. It doesn't normally snow in Germany, so
it'll be freezing cold and rainy. :/ I'll get over it though.
Well, I don't have much time left. I want to dowload songs from to listen to arround the appartment. I hope all is well with
everyone. Keep trusting God and you'll get far.
From the Valleys of Germany, Tschüss till next week!
Gott Sei Mit Euch, (God be with you)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
months into my mission. I am freaking out a little, but I am super
excited for this transfer. I have a goal to speak only German this
transfer since I have the opertunity to serve with a Sister from
Switzerland. She is so super amazing. I am excited to work with her.
The Speyer sisters area has opened and we are all really happy about that.
I am also kinda happy that the weather is getting a little cooler. I'm
not excited for winter though. It doesn't normally snow in Germany, so
it'll be freezing cold and rainy. :/ I'll get over it though.
Well, I don't have much time left. I want to dowload songs from to listen to arround the appartment. I hope all is well with
everyone. Keep trusting God and you'll get far.
From the Valleys of Germany, Tschüss till next week!
Gott Sei Mit Euch, (God be with you)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, September 8, 2014
This week is transfer week! Happiness/sadness.
This week is transfer week! Happiness/sadness.
-I am staying in Mannheim.
-The baptism was super on saturday! G was so Pretty. :)
-I got to go see three castles last monday, and I get to see one more today!
-My new companion is from Switzerland which is really cool. 4 days
till I meet her!
-Elder Ballard is coming to frankfurt to do a Missionary Conference
thingy! So excited!
-Got a much needed blessing. :)
-Sister Lehman is going home... :´´´´( Only 3 days left with her. (if
your wondering why the numbers dont match..... Sister Lehman goes home
on thursday, and we meet new companions on Friday. I am in a "split"
par say on Thursday.)
-My leg is really painful. :/ I got a really bad bruise playing
soccor, and it won't go away. I'm a little worried because it's not
just my bruise that hurts its the whole leg. I don't want to go home
if it's broken. :´´´´´(
-I was feeling really down over the weekend.
I hope all is well foreveryone. I am doing really well. The people are
awesome, the food is amazing, and the weather is nicer than it was. :P
It was really cold and rainy up till last week. It finally got warm
and sunny. I think it's Germany saying Goodbye to Sister Lehman, but
we'll see if it lasts.
Glücklich tag, Alles Gute! (Happy Day, All is well!)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
-I am staying in Mannheim.
-The baptism was super on saturday! G was so Pretty. :)
-I got to go see three castles last monday, and I get to see one more today!
-My new companion is from Switzerland which is really cool. 4 days
till I meet her!
-Elder Ballard is coming to frankfurt to do a Missionary Conference
thingy! So excited!
-Got a much needed blessing. :)
-Sister Lehman is going home... :´´´´( Only 3 days left with her. (if
your wondering why the numbers dont match..... Sister Lehman goes home
on thursday, and we meet new companions on Friday. I am in a "split"
par say on Thursday.)
-My leg is really painful. :/ I got a really bad bruise playing
soccor, and it won't go away. I'm a little worried because it's not
just my bruise that hurts its the whole leg. I don't want to go home
if it's broken. :´´´´´(
-I was feeling really down over the weekend.
I hope all is well foreveryone. I am doing really well. The people are
awesome, the food is amazing, and the weather is nicer than it was. :P
It was really cold and rainy up till last week. It finally got warm
and sunny. I think it's Germany saying Goodbye to Sister Lehman, but
we'll see if it lasts.
Glücklich tag, Alles Gute! (Happy Day, All is well!)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, September 1, 2014
Transfer 1, Week 6
Hey ya'll.
I don't have much time, but I wanted to say that I'm well and enjoying
life. I bought a "Tschüs book" (which for anyone who doesn't know what
that is it's a "goodby book" you give to other missionaries you knew
well when you or they are leaving the area). It looks super cool.
Anyways, the baptism is this week and I'm soooooooo super excited for
it. She is excited too. She has already picked out what she wants to
wear. Her mom is excited too. I think that G's decision to be baptized
has helped her mom. She wants to quit one of her jobs so she can come
back to church.
I've been really tired lately, both mentaly and physically. It's hard
to keep sad thoughts out of my head lately. I'm praying though, and I
know that the lord will help me.
This past saturday at soccor, (we play soccor with members and their
non-member friends to try and find new investigators. really fun, but
I prefer volleyball. :P), I was getting really into it, and got a
massive bruise on my leg. I hope it goes away soon, since it makes it
hurt to walk a little bit. Now You know, Don't play soccor with really
boney Elders. :P
Well I gotta go. Be awesome at whatever your doing!
Noch nie ein Meister von Himmel gefallen (German saying),
Sister Lahra Sherwood
I don't have much time, but I wanted to say that I'm well and enjoying
life. I bought a "Tschüs book" (which for anyone who doesn't know what
that is it's a "goodby book" you give to other missionaries you knew
well when you or they are leaving the area). It looks super cool.
Anyways, the baptism is this week and I'm soooooooo super excited for
it. She is excited too. She has already picked out what she wants to
wear. Her mom is excited too. I think that G's decision to be baptized
has helped her mom. She wants to quit one of her jobs so she can come
back to church.
I've been really tired lately, both mentaly and physically. It's hard
to keep sad thoughts out of my head lately. I'm praying though, and I
know that the lord will help me.
This past saturday at soccor, (we play soccor with members and their
non-member friends to try and find new investigators. really fun, but
I prefer volleyball. :P), I was getting really into it, and got a
massive bruise on my leg. I hope it goes away soon, since it makes it
hurt to walk a little bit. Now You know, Don't play soccor with really
boney Elders. :P
Well I gotta go. Be awesome at whatever your doing!
Noch nie ein Meister von Himmel gefallen (German saying),
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, August 25, 2014
Transfer 1, Week 5
Hey Everyone! :)
I have been doing really well. :) It's been super awesome and sad this week.
The Sad:
-We still havent made all that much contact with Jennifer. :( I really
wish that she'd let us help her.
-Melanie, a super amazing reactivated member that we've been working
with, and her super cute daughter Vilia are flying to St. Louis,
Missouri, so Melanie can be married to her fiancee. I know that It's
the next best step for her, but she will be dearly missed. We threw
her a really nice goodbye party last night.
-I had some troubles battling satan this past weekend. I think I got
the better of him in the end though.
The Good:
- We finally got rid of all the obnoxious fruit flies attaking our kitchen. :P
- We had an amazing weekend with a member Vi Do who came on a mini
mission with us.
- Gillian, a super sweet 9 year old accepted to be baptized, and we
made the baptisimal date for september 6th! She is so excited.
I hope that all is well with everyone and that Life is treating you all well.
Gehorsam bringt Segen, aber Strikten Gehorsam bringt Wunder,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
I have been doing really well. :) It's been super awesome and sad this week.
The Sad:
-We still havent made all that much contact with Jennifer. :( I really
wish that she'd let us help her.
-Melanie, a super amazing reactivated member that we've been working
with, and her super cute daughter Vilia are flying to St. Louis,
Missouri, so Melanie can be married to her fiancee. I know that It's
the next best step for her, but she will be dearly missed. We threw
her a really nice goodbye party last night.
-I had some troubles battling satan this past weekend. I think I got
the better of him in the end though.
The Good:
- We finally got rid of all the obnoxious fruit flies attaking our kitchen. :P
- We had an amazing weekend with a member Vi Do who came on a mini
mission with us.
- Gillian, a super sweet 9 year old accepted to be baptized, and we
made the baptisimal date for september 6th! She is so excited.
I hope that all is well with everyone and that Life is treating you all well.
Gehorsam bringt Segen, aber Strikten Gehorsam bringt Wunder,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
This week was amazing!
Hello Everyone.
This week was soooo good. It started out like a normal week, but turned out to be amazing.
On Wednesday we had a split with two sisters in Heidelberg (hi-del-berg) and was really fun. I made it around Mannheim without getting lost or being late. It was really fun.
Thursday we went to meet with Tracy, a less active member, and her daughter G. Tracy ended up not being at home, but we taught G about the Plan of Salvation. We also Invited her to be baptized. She said yes! We Need to talk to her mom about a date, but It was so exciting to have someone ready to be baptized. :)
Friday was pretty good too. we taught really good lessons and were able to help People.
Saturday we went to Frankfurt to go to the temple with 2 newly reactivated members, and a newly baptized member to go do baptizims for the dead. It was the neatest expirience to watch them be able to do that for the first time. We even got to help with confermations after everyone else did baptisms. It was a really good day.
On Sunday church was simply amazing. The stake president came and talked, and what he said was what I needed. We were able to get in touch with a less active sister and that was sooo cool. She was hesitant at first, but she opened up and we were able to help her. we even got an appointment to come back next sunday. We also were able to Find a less active Sister and her Non-Member Husband. They were really open to Hearing and told us to visit any time. Her Husband was really open to reading the book of mormon. He said, "If it will help my Family and me, then why not?". Talk about being prepared! We are planning on teaching the Family after she gets back from Scotland.
Then just today, we taught Kerstin, a newly baptized sister, and she was talking about how her Husband felt like he was failing at life and that he was a horrible Person. We asked her if she thought he'd be open to Hearing about the Gospel. She said that she'd pray about it and ask him. So We might have another Investigator soon. I'm so excited!
I've been so blessed this past week. Not only with our finds, but personally. I've always heard that those you leave will be blessed because you are on a Mission. I trusted that that would be true, but didn't know. I've seen so many Blessings being given to my Family and friends from being out here. I thank the Lord for that and the strength he gives me to do all he Needs me to do.
Zweifelt nicht, fürchtet nicht,
--Sister Lahra Sherwood
This week was soooo good. It started out like a normal week, but turned out to be amazing.
On Wednesday we had a split with two sisters in Heidelberg (hi-del-berg) and was really fun. I made it around Mannheim without getting lost or being late. It was really fun.
Thursday we went to meet with Tracy, a less active member, and her daughter G. Tracy ended up not being at home, but we taught G about the Plan of Salvation. We also Invited her to be baptized. She said yes! We Need to talk to her mom about a date, but It was so exciting to have someone ready to be baptized. :)
Friday was pretty good too. we taught really good lessons and were able to help People.
Saturday we went to Frankfurt to go to the temple with 2 newly reactivated members, and a newly baptized member to go do baptizims for the dead. It was the neatest expirience to watch them be able to do that for the first time. We even got to help with confermations after everyone else did baptisms. It was a really good day.
On Sunday church was simply amazing. The stake president came and talked, and what he said was what I needed. We were able to get in touch with a less active sister and that was sooo cool. She was hesitant at first, but she opened up and we were able to help her. we even got an appointment to come back next sunday. We also were able to Find a less active Sister and her Non-Member Husband. They were really open to Hearing and told us to visit any time. Her Husband was really open to reading the book of mormon. He said, "If it will help my Family and me, then why not?". Talk about being prepared! We are planning on teaching the Family after she gets back from Scotland.
Then just today, we taught Kerstin, a newly baptized sister, and she was talking about how her Husband felt like he was failing at life and that he was a horrible Person. We asked her if she thought he'd be open to Hearing about the Gospel. She said that she'd pray about it and ask him. So We might have another Investigator soon. I'm so excited!
I've been so blessed this past week. Not only with our finds, but personally. I've always heard that those you leave will be blessed because you are on a Mission. I trusted that that would be true, but didn't know. I've seen so many Blessings being given to my Family and friends from being out here. I thank the Lord for that and the strength he gives me to do all he Needs me to do.
Zweifelt nicht, fürchtet nicht,
--Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, August 11, 2014
Hello Everyone!
How's it going? What ya all been up too?
This week has been pretty good. We have had lots of good lessons with people. I am slowly getting better at talking and figuring out what people are saying. It definitly makes it easier to stay awake at church. :P One of our investigators isn't doing to well right now. I pray for her a lot.
I'm super excited! we may have a new Investigator! :D We are meeting with her this week and hopefully things go well.
I was feeling really out of sorts this week and felt like I needed a blessing. I asked Elder Stout to give it. It helped me a lot. I'm really glad that I got it. I was given guidelines to help me with the rest of my mission. I also think that I could apply it to other things too.
Unfortunately I am out of time. I hope all is golden with you all. The computers where we email, at least in this area aren't accessible to send all my pictures, but I will send the SD Card to my Mom.
By the way.........
I'm pleased to anounce that I finally know my address. :)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Cannabichstraße 4/6
68167 Mannheim, Germany
Mission Office:
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Corneliusstraße 18
60305 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Basically, you can send letters to my Apartment address, but Packages are supposed to be sent to the Mission Office. Oh! and with Packages It's better to go through the German Amazon/other german online sites, then to send stuff from the US. Germany is very picky about what is brought into the country. You can send stuff from the US, but depending on what it is, there may be fees to pay before I can recieve it. And if you were planning on sending meat or cheese, which I don't know why you would...., Don't send it. It will be thrown away. :) Thank you for listening. :) I hope you enjoy your week. :)
Kein Stress,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
This week has been pretty good. We have had lots of good lessons with people. I am slowly getting better at talking and figuring out what people are saying. It definitly makes it easier to stay awake at church. :P One of our investigators isn't doing to well right now. I pray for her a lot.
I'm super excited! we may have a new Investigator! :D We are meeting with her this week and hopefully things go well.
I was feeling really out of sorts this week and felt like I needed a blessing. I asked Elder Stout to give it. It helped me a lot. I'm really glad that I got it. I was given guidelines to help me with the rest of my mission. I also think that I could apply it to other things too.
Unfortunately I am out of time. I hope all is golden with you all. The computers where we email, at least in this area aren't accessible to send all my pictures, but I will send the SD Card to my Mom.
By the way.........
I'm pleased to anounce that I finally know my address. :)
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Cannabichstraße 4/6
68167 Mannheim, Germany
Mission Office:
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Corneliusstraße 18
60305 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Basically, you can send letters to my Apartment address, but Packages are supposed to be sent to the Mission Office. Oh! and with Packages It's better to go through the German Amazon/other german online sites, then to send stuff from the US. Germany is very picky about what is brought into the country. You can send stuff from the US, but depending on what it is, there may be fees to pay before I can recieve it. And if you were planning on sending meat or cheese, which I don't know why you would...., Don't send it. It will be thrown away. :) Thank you for listening. :) I hope you enjoy your week. :)
Kein Stress,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Monday, August 4, 2014
First Week in Germany
Hey everyone!
Germany is a beautiful place. I don*t have very many pictures yet, but I can send what I have. It'll probably be nect week though becasue i forgot my cord this week.
My first area is a city called Mannheim (man-hi-m :P). It is beautiful. I love the architecture and the people. My Companion is Sister Layman from Rexburgh Idaho. She is super funny and sweet. She is trying not only to convert the German Population to the gosple, but she#s trying to convert the Missionary Population in Germany, at least those she knows/meets, to go to Utah State and be Aggies. :P I am her last transfer. She is my "mom". I met my "grandma " at the Train station. She went home when I got here (which I guess is called dying.) WHen you get here your a Golden. You are as old as how many months you've been out (so I'm 2 almost 3) and if your companion goes home then you are killing her. Kinda weird. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
Life has been pretty good in Germany. Last weeek we did a lot of servce projects, and talked to some people. One of our appointments fell through, but we may have found a less active member/new investigator (husband and wife) in result of that.
One of our Investigators has been really sad recently. I have prayed for her alot. We went and saw her yesterday. She was really depressed, but I think we helped her a little bit at least. Not as much as we would've liked, but the spirit was there and I truley hope that she reconized that it was there, and that she felt it.
I met alot of the ward yesterday at church. they are really nice, most of them. The old bishop likes to tease me because I'm new, but I've gotten used to it. Everyone just speaks super fast and I have troubles hearing what they said. That and alot of people hear have a weird accent that I'm not used to.
One thing I am really not liking about Germany is that they don't have air-conditioning. I mean yes that saves on electricity, but It's so hot! It's hard to stay awake. :P I'm doing pretty well though.
It's so weird having so much time to email. :P I'm used to 1 hour at the MTC, and here we have 2. I like it. I actually have time to answer everyone and read everything. I'm just trying to figure out what else to say....
The plane ride to Frankfurt went well. The Airplane from dallas to frankfurt was huge!!! It had 9 seats accross, and like 45 rows! so it looked sorta like this...
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss......... Etc. :P
It also was mostly empty in the back so we could sit anywhere to either talk to people or to sit with the other missionaries. Each seat had its own little TV, and you could watch movies, TV shows, play games, listen to music, or watch the flight path. It was cool. It was also fun to watch the ground. over the US it looked like a patch-work quilt, over England and Ireland it looke like a patch-work quilt and over germany it looked like a...... You guessed it, Patch-work quilt. I felt sorta like we were flying in circles. :P It was cool flying at night. It'd be pitch black except where there were citties. It was like fireworkes on the ground. :P
Well I better go. I love ya all lots and Hope that you are all well.
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Germany is a beautiful place. I don*t have very many pictures yet, but I can send what I have. It'll probably be nect week though becasue i forgot my cord this week.
My first area is a city called Mannheim (man-hi-m :P). It is beautiful. I love the architecture and the people. My Companion is Sister Layman from Rexburgh Idaho. She is super funny and sweet. She is trying not only to convert the German Population to the gosple, but she#s trying to convert the Missionary Population in Germany, at least those she knows/meets, to go to Utah State and be Aggies. :P I am her last transfer. She is my "mom". I met my "grandma " at the Train station. She went home when I got here (which I guess is called dying.) WHen you get here your a Golden. You are as old as how many months you've been out (so I'm 2 almost 3) and if your companion goes home then you are killing her. Kinda weird. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
Life has been pretty good in Germany. Last weeek we did a lot of servce projects, and talked to some people. One of our appointments fell through, but we may have found a less active member/new investigator (husband and wife) in result of that.
One of our Investigators has been really sad recently. I have prayed for her alot. We went and saw her yesterday. She was really depressed, but I think we helped her a little bit at least. Not as much as we would've liked, but the spirit was there and I truley hope that she reconized that it was there, and that she felt it.
I met alot of the ward yesterday at church. they are really nice, most of them. The old bishop likes to tease me because I'm new, but I've gotten used to it. Everyone just speaks super fast and I have troubles hearing what they said. That and alot of people hear have a weird accent that I'm not used to.
One thing I am really not liking about Germany is that they don't have air-conditioning. I mean yes that saves on electricity, but It's so hot! It's hard to stay awake. :P I'm doing pretty well though.
It's so weird having so much time to email. :P I'm used to 1 hour at the MTC, and here we have 2. I like it. I actually have time to answer everyone and read everything. I'm just trying to figure out what else to say....
The plane ride to Frankfurt went well. The Airplane from dallas to frankfurt was huge!!! It had 9 seats accross, and like 45 rows! so it looked sorta like this...
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss
ss a sssss a ss......... Etc. :P
It also was mostly empty in the back so we could sit anywhere to either talk to people or to sit with the other missionaries. Each seat had its own little TV, and you could watch movies, TV shows, play games, listen to music, or watch the flight path. It was cool. It was also fun to watch the ground. over the US it looked like a patch-work quilt, over England and Ireland it looke like a patch-work quilt and over germany it looked like a...... You guessed it, Patch-work quilt. I felt sorta like we were flying in circles. :P It was cool flying at night. It'd be pitch black except where there were citties. It was like fireworkes on the ground. :P
Well I better go. I love ya all lots and Hope that you are all well.
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Last Letter from the MTC
Its so crazy that I only have like 5 days left in the USA. I swear that I just got here. :P
So last night was a really powerful Devotional. Elder Stanley G Ellis was the speaker. He had all his children give their testimonies and then he gave his. It was such an awesome spirit there. His wife said something that is really stuck in my brain. She said.
1. Faith is Power
2. Obedience is the Price
3. Love is the Motive
4. The Spirit is the Key
5. Christ is the Reason
6. Joy is the Reward
She was saying that for missionary work, but I feel that this applies to anything we do in the church. I Invite everyone to write these down and put it somewhere where you'll see it always. It has everything to make life worth it. :)
For a lesson Sister Hall and Me taught for our district we watched a Mormon Message called The Power of hope. You, if possible should watch it. It's really a powerful video. Recently I've been studying hope in my Personal Study. It is one of the Christlike Attributes. I read the talk "Hope, An Anchor of the Soul" by James E. Faust. Something that I really liked was that he said "The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of Faith and Hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through Hope. A Sister Joyce Audrey Evans said that, "You either ive in hope or in despair. Without hope you cannot Endure to the end.". And Samuel Smiles commented, "Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, it casts the shadow of our burden behind us.". Always remember that God and Jesus loves you very much. I love you all and miss you. I pray for you often.
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
So last night was a really powerful Devotional. Elder Stanley G Ellis was the speaker. He had all his children give their testimonies and then he gave his. It was such an awesome spirit there. His wife said something that is really stuck in my brain. She said.
1. Faith is Power
2. Obedience is the Price
3. Love is the Motive
4. The Spirit is the Key
5. Christ is the Reason
6. Joy is the Reward
She was saying that for missionary work, but I feel that this applies to anything we do in the church. I Invite everyone to write these down and put it somewhere where you'll see it always. It has everything to make life worth it. :)
For a lesson Sister Hall and Me taught for our district we watched a Mormon Message called The Power of hope. You, if possible should watch it. It's really a powerful video. Recently I've been studying hope in my Personal Study. It is one of the Christlike Attributes. I read the talk "Hope, An Anchor of the Soul" by James E. Faust. Something that I really liked was that he said "The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of Faith and Hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through Hope. A Sister Joyce Audrey Evans said that, "You either ive in hope or in despair. Without hope you cannot Endure to the end.". And Samuel Smiles commented, "Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, it casts the shadow of our burden behind us.". Always remember that God and Jesus loves you very much. I love you all and miss you. I pray for you often.
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Latest Letter and Rhyme Time with Sister Sherwood
16 July 2014
Hey Everyone.
Hey so I don't have much time, but I can tell you a little about what's been going on.
TRC started two weeks ago and we have it again tomorrow. I am enjoying it, but it's kinda hard because we have been teaching "investigators" in class and so it's hard to teach members in TRC. I'm excited for this week cause we are skypeing members in germany. I'm also nervous though because it's supposed to be 40 minutes. Needless to say I definitely enjoyed being the investigator in TRC more. :P
I had a funny thing happen when we were teaching Daniel. (we have 2 "investigators" Daniel and Angelo) I had Memorized the baptism invite questions and I was asking him to be baptized. I hadn't realized that I'd forgot a word and accidentally asked if he'd baptize to priesthood authority of god Instead of asking if He would be baptized BY that authority. :P I will never forget that word again. ;D
Overall its been a very good week. I hope it continues that way.
Ich liebe ihr! I hope you are all well and are enjoying life. Always remember....
Don't Smoke, Don't be stupid Cows, Kein Stress AND Kein Angst. (I think jenna's the only one who'll get the don't smoke and don't be stupid cows, so she'll have to explain that to ya. :P)
Alle Meine Leibe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
This is an email we sent to Lahra and her response.
7 July 2014
This is Great Grandma. Hi how are you?
We miss you a lot, but you’re missing things too.
We’ve been wading in rivers and swam in the pool,
And doing whatever is fun or is cool.
You wouldn’t believe Max and Lianne in the pool
And Xavier is walking now, isn’t that cool?
This is your grandpa, we have been looking for you
Every day that we go to the MTC
We know you are working hard and are so proud of you
And look forward to hearing of your joys and your trials
We know that both will be for your good and your growth
And will make you the “minister” of the Savior that you want to be.
(Does that rhyme when translated to German?)
Dear Sister Sherwood, we so love to see
Your letters that are posted each week by D.
We know you are growing and feeling the Spirit,
And experiencing new things – and we so love to hear it.
We pray for you daily and hope you can feel
Our love and our joy in your missionary zeal.
The Gospel is True! The Savior lives and loves you!
Heavenly Father will bless you for all that you do.
Hey Sister Sherwood, it’s your favorite Aunt.
We’re visiting your family, though Uncle Jared can’t.
We’re having fun, but we’re missing you,
Just know we’re proud of all that you do.
Missions are great, hard, crazy, and amazing.
We hope you enjoy the new trails you’re blazing.
Try to find the good in all around,
Your companions, the people, even the ground.
It’s there, it is, though it may be hiding.
Ask for the Spirit, he’ll help in finding.
We love you so much, and await to hear
The wonderful things that you’ll learn there.
Aunt Maryle and Family
Hello again, Sister, it seems not so long
Since we drove ‘cross the country with the big truck along.
We sure loved having all that time with just you
To play and to drive and to buy you new shoes.
Now you’re on a whole new adventure to learn
How to pray, and to study, and love, and to earn
the trust of your Heavenly Father as He
gently molds, and sharpens to the tool you can be.
Enjoy your time in the MTC, and be sure
To soak in the spirit, where it’s strong and so pure.
The language will come best when you’re there in the land,
But ne’er again will you drink right from the hands
Of the Apostles and Lord’s servants with such power
As only comes from so many who serve the Lord EVERY hour.
It’s ten thirty at night and not very good timing
To sit here and try to attempt so much rhyming.
So know that we love you, miss you, and are pray’n
That you’re happy, on fire, work’n hard, Auf wiedersehen.
So, now it’s mom’s turn and you’d think that by now
I’d have a great rhyme to make you say “Wow!”
But, alas, my poor brain has gone off to sleep
and I am not fit to mutter a peep.
So, tomorrow a letter on paper I’ll write.
But for now, Lovsen Yousen.
-Your Mother.
Good night.
Dearest Lahra, how I miss
Your ever smiling happiness
Except for when…
And then again...
There is a hole that we can’t kiss
Now there’s a place that all know
Purple, green, now empty. Though
I must confess
(This ain’t a jest)
It’s becoming my room. Just so
I’ve rearranged, though it took time
(By the way, Mom found a dime)
And now my desk
And bookshelf too
By *your*bed stand in a line
Your closet is all diff’rent too
Though none of that really had to do
With the girls, (me),
The boys, or me
I just moved all my books, and shoes, and clothes, and journals, and dresses in after Mom helped me take everything out. (Phew!)
The only other thing is band
Which I believe is out of hand
For John did say
That we can’t play
For staff until our sections can
For passing off is fun to do
And lets us get our show shirts too
But as secr’tary
My life is scary
‘Cause my section’s the WHOLE BAND! (Poo!)
I’m out of time, I now must flee
And you’ve a ‘Whole New World’ (D’ya see
What I just did?
I bet you did!)
To meet away far over the sea!
Soon you’ll be back, though it may feel
Like forever, just click your heels
We’ll think of you
(And Soapy too)
As we wait for bells to peal
Love ya Lahra!
Lahra, It’s your favorite football playa
And I kind of really miss ya
Everything has been different since you have been gone,
Even though you haven’t been away for that long
Life is still pretty good
Even though you’re not in the hood
We had a great time with our cousins here
They came all the way from far to near
All around the 4th of July
Wow, time has really started to fly
I am so proud of you
You’ve been a great example too
I hope your love of the gospel stays fine
As I continue to grow mine
It’s sad to say, I now must go
I hope you like it where you blow
I love you much my sister dear,
Even though you won’t be near
I hope to hear from you soon
It may not be under the moon
Goodbye Lahra
P.S. I hope the mission is going well,
But I’m sure it is going quite swell.
P.P.S I gave Jenna the hug and kiss you wanted me to.
Breaking News!
It has recently been discovered that some girls are allergic
to the Imperial March! This only seems to have an effect
on girls that are obsessed or even have a mild addiction to
the lame show known as My Little Pony! This information
shall surely save the world from imminent destruction!
We now have a defense against the epic stupidity of that
show the world is being poisoned by!
Hi, Sister Sherwood. You probably already know who wrote
this part of the letter, and even though it doesn’t rhyme, this
“cure” actually works on Amy, Miriam, and Annaboo. They
all love you and miss you, and I do too. I hope you’re having
fun on your mission!
With Love,
Sister Sherwood's response: 9 July 2014
Dear Family, (extended and not)
You are all so amazing.
I find the noise I've been craving.
I've been doing quite well,
Everything is happy and swell.
The 4th of July was a blast.
We stood and watched the fireworks crash.
As I watched, I did ponder
on if you were watching the same ones up yonder.
The stadium of fire is so cool.
It's way better then going to school. :P
After the show we all went to bed
We first danced with glow sticks round our heads.
Then in a Star of David they lay (the glow sticks)
While we in a circle did pray. (I hope that's not sacrilegious. ;P)
There they stayed through the night,
Giving off their neon light.
On Sunday we heard from Josh Wright.
His piano playing made me smile with delight!
Our teaching of investigators is going great.
We're slowly learning how to follow the spirit.
On Tuesday, we learned about sub conjunctions.
I still don't quite get how it functions.
Tuesdays devotional was late getting done.
But that's ok 'cause we heard from Neil L. Anderson.
The days take forever, but the weeks fly.
Can you believe how time flies by?
Only 3 weeks to go, kinda a pain.
I really want to be done and on a plane.
The computers here are slow, so
I'm sending you my SD card, just so ya know.
Take all the pictures off and send it back.
I'll include a list of what's what in that.
I love you all, but time is short.
A talk on repentance in German I need to record.
Until next time, my awesome family.
Alle meine liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Hey Everyone.
Hey so I don't have much time, but I can tell you a little about what's been going on.
TRC started two weeks ago and we have it again tomorrow. I am enjoying it, but it's kinda hard because we have been teaching "investigators" in class and so it's hard to teach members in TRC. I'm excited for this week cause we are skypeing members in germany. I'm also nervous though because it's supposed to be 40 minutes. Needless to say I definitely enjoyed being the investigator in TRC more. :P
I had a funny thing happen when we were teaching Daniel. (we have 2 "investigators" Daniel and Angelo) I had Memorized the baptism invite questions and I was asking him to be baptized. I hadn't realized that I'd forgot a word and accidentally asked if he'd baptize to priesthood authority of god Instead of asking if He would be baptized BY that authority. :P I will never forget that word again. ;D
Overall its been a very good week. I hope it continues that way.
Ich liebe ihr! I hope you are all well and are enjoying life. Always remember....
Don't Smoke, Don't be stupid Cows, Kein Stress AND Kein Angst. (I think jenna's the only one who'll get the don't smoke and don't be stupid cows, so she'll have to explain that to ya. :P)
Alle Meine Leibe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
This is an email we sent to Lahra and her response.
7 July 2014
This is Great Grandma. Hi how are you?
We miss you a lot, but you’re missing things too.
We’ve been wading in rivers and swam in the pool,
And doing whatever is fun or is cool.
You wouldn’t believe Max and Lianne in the pool
And Xavier is walking now, isn’t that cool?
This is your grandpa, we have been looking for you
Every day that we go to the MTC
We know you are working hard and are so proud of you
And look forward to hearing of your joys and your trials
We know that both will be for your good and your growth
And will make you the “minister” of the Savior that you want to be.
(Does that rhyme when translated to German?)
Dear Sister Sherwood, we so love to see
Your letters that are posted each week by D.
We know you are growing and feeling the Spirit,
And experiencing new things – and we so love to hear it.
We pray for you daily and hope you can feel
Our love and our joy in your missionary zeal.
The Gospel is True! The Savior lives and loves you!
Heavenly Father will bless you for all that you do.
Hey Sister Sherwood, it’s your favorite Aunt.
We’re visiting your family, though Uncle Jared can’t.
We’re having fun, but we’re missing you,
Just know we’re proud of all that you do.
Missions are great, hard, crazy, and amazing.
We hope you enjoy the new trails you’re blazing.
Try to find the good in all around,
Your companions, the people, even the ground.
It’s there, it is, though it may be hiding.
Ask for the Spirit, he’ll help in finding.
We love you so much, and await to hear
The wonderful things that you’ll learn there.
Aunt Maryle and Family
Hello again, Sister, it seems not so long
Since we drove ‘cross the country with the big truck along.
We sure loved having all that time with just you
To play and to drive and to buy you new shoes.
Now you’re on a whole new adventure to learn
How to pray, and to study, and love, and to earn
the trust of your Heavenly Father as He
gently molds, and sharpens to the tool you can be.
Enjoy your time in the MTC, and be sure
To soak in the spirit, where it’s strong and so pure.
The language will come best when you’re there in the land,
But ne’er again will you drink right from the hands
Of the Apostles and Lord’s servants with such power
As only comes from so many who serve the Lord EVERY hour.
It’s ten thirty at night and not very good timing
To sit here and try to attempt so much rhyming.
So know that we love you, miss you, and are pray’n
That you’re happy, on fire, work’n hard, Auf wiedersehen.
So, now it’s mom’s turn and you’d think that by now
I’d have a great rhyme to make you say “Wow!”
But, alas, my poor brain has gone off to sleep
and I am not fit to mutter a peep.
So, tomorrow a letter on paper I’ll write.
But for now, Lovsen Yousen.
-Your Mother.
Good night.
Dearest Lahra, how I miss
Your ever smiling happiness
Except for when…
And then again...
There is a hole that we can’t kiss
Now there’s a place that all know
Purple, green, now empty. Though
I must confess
(This ain’t a jest)
It’s becoming my room. Just so
I’ve rearranged, though it took time
(By the way, Mom found a dime)
And now my desk
And bookshelf too
By *your*bed stand in a line
Your closet is all diff’rent too
Though none of that really had to do
With the girls, (me),
The boys, or me
I just moved all my books, and shoes, and clothes, and journals, and dresses in after Mom helped me take everything out. (Phew!)
The only other thing is band
Which I believe is out of hand
For John did say
That we can’t play
For staff until our sections can
For passing off is fun to do
And lets us get our show shirts too
But as secr’tary
My life is scary
‘Cause my section’s the WHOLE BAND! (Poo!)
I’m out of time, I now must flee
And you’ve a ‘Whole New World’ (D’ya see
What I just did?
I bet you did!)
To meet away far over the sea!
Soon you’ll be back, though it may feel
Like forever, just click your heels
We’ll think of you
(And Soapy too)
As we wait for bells to peal
Love ya Lahra!
Lahra, It’s your favorite football playa
And I kind of really miss ya
Everything has been different since you have been gone,
Even though you haven’t been away for that long
Life is still pretty good
Even though you’re not in the hood
We had a great time with our cousins here
They came all the way from far to near
All around the 4th of July
Wow, time has really started to fly
I am so proud of you
You’ve been a great example too
I hope your love of the gospel stays fine
As I continue to grow mine
It’s sad to say, I now must go
I hope you like it where you blow
I love you much my sister dear,
Even though you won’t be near
I hope to hear from you soon
It may not be under the moon
Goodbye Lahra
P.S. I hope the mission is going well,
But I’m sure it is going quite swell.
P.P.S I gave Jenna the hug and kiss you wanted me to.
Breaking News!
It has recently been discovered that some girls are allergic
to the Imperial March! This only seems to have an effect
on girls that are obsessed or even have a mild addiction to
the lame show known as My Little Pony! This information
shall surely save the world from imminent destruction!
We now have a defense against the epic stupidity of that
show the world is being poisoned by!
Hi, Sister Sherwood. You probably already know who wrote
this part of the letter, and even though it doesn’t rhyme, this
“cure” actually works on Amy, Miriam, and Annaboo. They
all love you and miss you, and I do too. I hope you’re having
fun on your mission!
With Love,
Sister Sherwood's response: 9 July 2014
Dear Family, (extended and not)
You are all so amazing.
I find the noise I've been craving.
I've been doing quite well,
Everything is happy and swell.
The 4th of July was a blast.
We stood and watched the fireworks crash.
As I watched, I did ponder
on if you were watching the same ones up yonder.
The stadium of fire is so cool.
It's way better then going to school. :P
After the show we all went to bed
We first danced with glow sticks round our heads.
Then in a Star of David they lay (the glow sticks)
While we in a circle did pray. (I hope that's not sacrilegious. ;P)
There they stayed through the night,
Giving off their neon light.
On Sunday we heard from Josh Wright.
His piano playing made me smile with delight!
Our teaching of investigators is going great.
We're slowly learning how to follow the spirit.
On Tuesday, we learned about sub conjunctions.
I still don't quite get how it functions.
Tuesdays devotional was late getting done.
But that's ok 'cause we heard from Neil L. Anderson.
The days take forever, but the weeks fly.
Can you believe how time flies by?
Only 3 weeks to go, kinda a pain.
I really want to be done and on a plane.
The computers here are slow, so
I'm sending you my SD card, just so ya know.
Take all the pictures off and send it back.
I'll include a list of what's what in that.
I love you all, but time is short.
A talk on repentance in German I need to record.
Until next time, my awesome family.
Alle meine liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Friday, July 11, 2014
News from Sister Sherwood

Dear Family,
I just had a really good evening. For the Sunday Devotional you'll never guess who spoke ... Josh Wright! (If you don't remember, he's a super good pianist that played with the orchestra dad is in. :D) It was so cool. His talk was a mixture of him speaking and playing the piano. He played 4 songs. I don't remember what the first one was, but the last 3 were as follows:
1. Make the notes sing. (It wa one of his encore songs at the TSO concert.)
2. Clare de Lune/How Great Thou Art. (The one we heard at Grandma's house.)
3. All Creatures of our God and King.
Something he said that really stuck out was that we can have access to miracles every day if we ask The Lord. He also reminded us that we must let God determine our self worth. I love you guys lots. Hope you're all doing well. I hope that you all write me often. It can be like missionary pen pals. :)
Alles meine liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
P.S. We also watched "Legacy" in German. So cool seeing how much I knew.
P.P.S. Please send me Ritz crackers and Nutella ... or at least just the Nutella! Love you all!
9 July 2014
You guys are amazing. :) I love you all. Thank you so much for that. It's good to know that you are all well. I would send you a cute little rhyme about what I've been doing, but I've only got an hour on the computer, so I'll send you a written letter doing that. It's been a pretty good week. I had some really low points, but I'm deciding to make everyday a good day no matter what happens. So....... guess what?! Yesterday Germany beat Brazil in soccer. :P It was like 9-1. I wonder how Dad thinks of that. :P (just kidding by the way.)
I got to hear from Elder Neil L Anderson at the devotional yesterday. It was so good. One of my favorite quotes were "You have all the gifts sufficient for you." You aren't supposed to be like everyone else. God gave you all you need to succeed in life. I'll say more in my paper letter.
I love you all and miss you. Hope all is going well. Give my love to everyone. :D
Alle Meine Liebe,


Monday, July 7, 2014
Still the Land of the Free
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I am an American. That means I'm free... just like everybody else on this planet.
Freedom is a gift from God to all humankind. It is not granted by the constitution, although it is protected by it, and it cannot be taken away, although man may be oppressed. It is the birthright of all who are born into the human family, regardless of their nationality, creed, age, gender or lifestyle preferences. All of God's children are absolutely, irrevocably, unequivocally and eternally free.
But as an American, I enjoy another precious gift - one that not all the human family can claim. It is a gift that has been purchased at great cost, and continues to be paid for at great cost even today. It is what many call "freedom", but it is more correctly termed "protection". I speak of the protection guaranteed to the citizens of this country which prevents the government from retaliating against them for exercising their God-given liberty within the bounds of the law. And thanks to the wisdom of our forefathers and the inspiration of The Almighty, the bounds of the law are prevented from ever eroding past certain limits by the articles and amendments of the United States Constitution, as long as we have the courage to hold true to it.
This means I can exercise my freedom to worship God or to deny Him; to praise Him or to blaspheme Him, and I do not have to answer to my government (or its agencies) for it. I can criticize, curse and complain about my elected officials, or I can pray for them. I have an equal voice with all other citizens in their selection, and if I want, I can choose to remain silent. I can decry and abhor the evils and injustices of the world I live in, or I can work to change them. I can arm myself for my own protection and the protection of others, or I can put my faith in the officers of the land to maintain my safety and that of my family and neighbors. I can strive for exceptionalism, or I can seek to become more like everybody else. In all these things I am accountable to none but God and to my own conscience. I am protected from the oppression of my government.
And for this, all I can say is: God bless the land of the free, and may it ever be the home of the brave!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Letters from Sister Lahra Sherwood
I thought the easiest way to share Lahra's letters with everyone would be to post them here on our family blog. We've received 2 letters and several emails from her since she entered the MTC in Provo on June 18. I'll try to post her letters as we receive them.
June 18, 2014
This has been a really hectic day. It has also been really good. My companion is Sister H. She is so much like me. She is super shy and plays a string instrument. We don't say much, but I love her and hope that we will be more comfortable and talk more as we go along.
So it turns out that I'll be here for 6 weeks, which is fine by me. :p Getting here I've realized that I don't know much at all. I'm kinda worried that I won't learn enough before I head out to Germany. I trust that The Lord will help me.
The spirit is so strong here. I feel just totally at peace. I thought that I'd be missing you terribly and cry a lot, but I feel fine. I know that The Lord is watching over you guys. Don't take it the wrong way though. :p I do miss you.
I want to bear you my testimony that I know this church is true. I know that God lives and answers our prayers. I've prayed to know that what I'm doing is the right and I know that it's where I need to be. I hope that all of you get to serve a mission. It is the best blessing you could have.
I love you guys so much. Take care of each other and always remember to pray.
All my love,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
June 25, 2014
I hope everyone is dong well. I love you all and pray for you often.
June 18, 2014
This has been a really hectic day. It has also been really good. My companion is Sister H. She is so much like me. She is super shy and plays a string instrument. We don't say much, but I love her and hope that we will be more comfortable and talk more as we go along.
So it turns out that I'll be here for 6 weeks, which is fine by me. :p Getting here I've realized that I don't know much at all. I'm kinda worried that I won't learn enough before I head out to Germany. I trust that The Lord will help me.
The spirit is so strong here. I feel just totally at peace. I thought that I'd be missing you terribly and cry a lot, but I feel fine. I know that The Lord is watching over you guys. Don't take it the wrong way though. :p I do miss you.
I want to bear you my testimony that I know this church is true. I know that God lives and answers our prayers. I've prayed to know that what I'm doing is the right and I know that it's where I need to be. I hope that all of you get to serve a mission. It is the best blessing you could have.
I love you guys so much. Take care of each other and always remember to pray.
All my love,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
June 25, 2014
HI everyone. So my first week has been good so far. I'm learning how to say gospel related German words which is good. I find myself writing in german when I'm not realizing it which Is funny but you may have to google translate stuff if I do that in my emails. (sorry :P) I love the spirit that is here. My companion is Sister H and she is super sweet. She is shy like me so I feel like God really knows me. I love her to death.
We start TRC this week. I'm so excited because for German speakers we get to skype people in germany for TRC. :D My only worry Is them talking to fast.Love,
Sister Sherwood
July 2, 2014
This week has been a blast. Me and Sister H started practicing teaching "investigators". We are teaching D and A. (first Initials.) I feel like both have been prepared to be taught the gospel and that If they were real Investigators that they would get baptized.
I feel really sad for D. He comes from Gana and has lived in germany for 2 years. He hasn't found a job yet. I pray for him. He comes from a really big family. He is just so humble and has the biggest testimony in our savior. I can't wait to teach him again.
A is a Catholic. His father is a member which gives us an in. I'm so excited for him because He said that when he feels the church is true, that he'd be willing to be baptized. I hope that he prayed about the book of mormon and read it.I feel really sad for D. He comes from Gana and has lived in germany for 2 years. He hasn't found a job yet. I pray for him. He comes from a really big family. He is just so humble and has the biggest testimony in our savior. I can't wait to teach him again.
We got to hear from a Brother Snow. He used to be in the Quorum of the 70's. He went to the Germany West Mission. I am so glad that there's the MTC now. I don't know If I'd be willing to go if I couldn't have some language learning. :P
Well, I love you all. I don't know how to get my pictures off my camera on these computers, so I'll send the SD card and she can share them. It's time for me to go.
Ich weiss dass Das Buch Mormon wahr ist. Ich weiss dass dieses Kirche ist Die Kirche Jesu Christi. Ich weiss dass Joseph Smith ein prophet Gottes ist. In Namen Jesu Christi, Amen.
Alle Meine Liebe,
Sister Lahra Sherwood
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
20 favorite moments of our 20 years of marriage
1. That glorious moment, one month after I proposed, when you said, "If I agree to marry you, will you stay in Colorado?" and I realized I actually had a chance.
2. The thrill of realizing that our plan worked - the wedding guests had decorated the decoy car, and we were driving away to our honeymoon in a clean car.
3. Exchanging all the duplicate wedding gifts we received for our very first TV – 13 fabulous inches with a built-in VCR!
4. You: "How bad are these contractions going to get?" Doctor: "These are the hardest right now." You: "Really?!?"
5. Moving into that tiny little home we bought on Mulberry Street.
6. Moving out of that tiny little home we bought on Mulberry Street.
7. When our 4 year-old daughter walked out the front door and called in a singsong voice, “Oh, boys… Here I come!”
8. Finally getting a paycheck after a year and a half of working for free.
9. That blessed day when we realized that we had a child old enough to babysit!
10. Jamaica.
11. When the cruise chef had no idea what “Applesauce” was, and so he created a fresh apple purée for our infant, Andrew who came on the cruise with us.
12. Removing that monstrosity of a bush from our front yard.
13. Finally breaking down and weeping in your arms after my brother, Scott’s tragic death.
14. Realizing that my fire department pager was going off to send the fire trucks to our house – because I had just burnt the dinner. Ok, not really one of my favorite moments, but certainly memorable.
15. That moment when the surprise and confusion at finding our missing dog so quickly was transformed into understanding as we walked in the front door to find our kids kneeling together in prayer for his safe return.
16. Squealing the tires on our Suburban as we valiantly but vainly tried to get away without getting caught, having just “secretly” delivered a Christmas gift to the Taylors’ front porch.
17. Kneeling in long-distance family prayer with you over the phone – You in your third trimester and caring for our six children by yourself in New York and trying to sell our house while I was in Utah looking for a job.
18. Long walks hand-in hand with you under the stars to try and stimulate labor.
19. Standing with you in the temple to welcome our oldest daughter into the Celestial Room.
20. This one, right now – knowing that whatever adventures the next 20 years brings, I will count them among my favorite moments if you are a part of them.
Happy Anniversary, my True Love.
June 10, 1994 - June 10, 2014 and beyond....
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